12 December 2018
If you've been hurt in an accident caused by someone that was driving while intoxicated, you have a long road ahead of you. Here, you'll find a little information to help you know what to do in this instance. Contact a Lawyer There are legal repercussions for the driver that was driving while intoxicated, but there are also financial burdens they will carry as well. You will need a lawyer to help you go after all of the money that driver owes for your medical bills, replacing your vehicle and all of the pain and suffering that you've gone through.
3 November 2018
In some cases, divorces are relatively fast and problem-free, but there are also times when divorces turn into huge battles. If your divorce is becoming a battle, there is a chance you might have to attend court for a divorce deposition. A divorce deposition is not always needed in divorce cases, but there are times couples use them to settle certain issues. Here are three things you should know about divorce depositions if you are told to go to court for one.
26 September 2018
Whether you're currently going through a divorce or will be in the near future, one fact remains: things can get very complicated when children are involved. If you and your soon-to-be ex have children together, you may end up in a dispute over child custody. If you do, the best thing you can do for yourself is to hire a divorce attorney. In addition to that, there are a few important tips you'll want to keep in mind to increase your chances of reaching a resolution you're happy with.
20 August 2018
It's important to know that because a will is a legal document, it must adhere to a specific language. Your attorney will help you to draft up your will, and you may notice that it seems formal — as it should. If you have additional messages that you want to share with your beneficiaries upon your passing, you shouldn't add them to your will. You can, however, write a letter to include with your will.
19 July 2018
Marriage is a unique partnership that joins a couple physically, emotionally, and financially. Unfortunately, splitting up this partnership can be overwhelming once you decide it is time to divorce. If you have remarried, you may think your relationship and partnership will thrive and survive. In reality, that is not the case, since second marriages are more likely to end in divorce. Even though you have gone through the process before, divorce is not easier the second time around.
18 June 2018
When an accident leaves you hurt, unable to work and without transportation, you will need to be paid by the at-fault driver (or at least their insurance carrier). There is a process to gaining personal injury compensation and the time just prior to the trial itself is a busy one. Read on to learn not only about the what happens before a trial but how this time period could be a profitable one for you.
17 May 2018
If you got into an argument with your significant other and you did not hurt them in any way, but you held them back from hurting you, and they now want to press charges and twist the story, you want to call a lawyer. If you know that they are trying to say that you physically assaulted them and that you harmed them but there were no injuries or malicious intent, you want a criminal defense attorney working on your case right away.
12 April 2018
If you've been injured in a car wreck or some other accident, you naturally want to do everything you can to make everything proceed smoothly. In order to make that happen, you need to be conscious of the absolute worst things you can do to your own case. Here are the four worst things you can do to your own case: 1. Not Following A Doctor's Advice You may be the victim of someone else's negligence, but you still have an obligation to do everything you can reasonably do to get better.
15 March 2018
Most people don't think twice about giving friends and family members gifts, but your generosity can hurt your eligibility for Medicaid benefits. Here's more information about this issue and how you can combat it. Preventing Eligibility Fraud Medicaid is a government program designed to help low-income individuals access necessary medical care. Because eligibility is primarily based on income, it's not unusual for people to get rid of some of their assets to reduce their gross income to below the maximum level, which is based on the federal poverty level and varies between states.
12 February 2018
Whether you're on a strict budget for a used car or trying to find a reasonable restoration project, lemon lots are a danger. There's nothing wrong with selling a non-working or barely functional car to someone who knows what they're getting, but it's another story to sell a failing car to someone expecting a used, decent-condition vehicle. Here are a few lemon vehicle details to help you protect your rights, if you end up navigating the rougher side of used car sales.