Your Legal Rights at Work

  • Workers Comp And Vocational Rehabilitation: Get Answers To The Questions You Have

    12 December 2017

    If you were injured on the job, vocational rehabilitation is something that your doctor may state that they feel you need or are entitled to. But most people have never heard of this term and do not understand what it is. Here are a few of the questions you may have about vocational rehabilitation and workers compensation.  What is Vocational Rehabilitation?  Vocational rehabilitation is designed to teach you new job skills that you can use to obtain a job in a new field that fits within your job restrictions.

  • The Bankruptcy Divorce Conflagration

    13 November 2017

    If your marriage is in as bad of shape as your financial situation is, you may be in for two major legal moves in a short period of time. The question may not be if they should happen, but which should happen first—the divorce or the bankruptcy. You should know that the timing of these two issues are important, so read on to get a better idea of how they each affect another and how the order of filings could matter so much to you.

  • Information For Settling Your Final Affairs

    18 October 2017

    A person passing away can leave behind a series of complicated legal and financial matters that will need to be addressed. The process of preparing to settle these matters can be a task that you may want your survivors to avoid the need to manage. To this end, you will want to be informed about the process of preparing your final wishes and plans. Is It Necessary For A Will To Go Through The Probate Court System?

  • Divorce Is Tough – Two Areas Where Your Lawyer Can Help

    27 February 2017

    Divorce isn't easy emotionally. It also tends to be a financial wake-up call. Before you and your partner take that final step, it's necessary to discuss a number of issues. If you are already living apart or the separation is not an amicable one, it may be necessary to get a divorce lawyer involved before you've ironed out the details between you. Two important areas where your divorce lawyer can help include financial and family issues, including the fair and compassionate support of any children affected by the split-up.

  • 2 Mistakes To Avoid When Making A Social Security Disability Claim

    13 February 2017

    Filing for social security disability benefits can be a complicated process, but a social security lawyer can help take the weight off your shoulders and help you with your unique situation. Some people make the mistake of not having a social security attorney who can offer advice and represent their best interests. If you have tried to do it on your own, you may have taken some missteps. Do not make these two common mistakes when making a social security disability claim.

  • What You Need to Know About Distracted Driving

    11 January 2017

    More than 3,000 people were killed and 430,000 people were injured as a result of distracted driving in 2014 (the most recent year for which such statistics are available). According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Board, 10 percent of these drivers were teenagers (between 16 and 19 years of age) and another 23 percent were in their twenties. What is distracted driving? The term distracted driving encompasses a vast number of actions.