Your Legal Rights at Work

  • Why You May Want To Hire A Social Security Disability Lawyer

    1 September 2015

    If you have decided that you are ready to file a claim for social security disability, you may want to consider getting a little help. This is best done by hiring a social security disability lawyer. Sure, you will have to pay a fee should you win your case, but many people find that the benefits of having someone with legal expertise on their side to far outweigh the cost. Take a moment to review the following reasons why hiring a social security disability lawyer may be the best move you make.

  • Common Reasons for SSDI Denial and What You Can Do

    29 July 2015

    In the period of 2001 to 2010, an average of 28 percent of all the applications for Social Security disability benefits were accepted. Unfortunately for the remaining 72 percent who were denied, only an average of three percent of those who file for an appeal were actually approved. To help increase the odds that you are among those who receive benefits, it is important to understand why your application was denied and what you can do to change the outcome.

  • 3 Common Reasons Second Marriages Fail

    15 July 2015

    If you are getting ready to enter into your second marriage, it's important for you to realize that 67% of second marriages fail. The rates for third marriages are even higher than this, but why? While you may end up with an extremely successful second or third marriage, it's important to understand the causes of most divorces in second marriages. By knowing these, you might be able to prevent a divorce after you tie the knot.

  • Arrested For Allegedly Driving While Intoxicated? Know Your Possible Defenses

    26 June 2015

    If you have been accused and arrested for a DWI, you will be potentially facing some major penalties if convicted. The consequences are far more than only having your license suspended, because you could receive jail time or large fines as well. When you find yourself being accused of a DWI, you should hire a legal team that can help you with one of the following defenses. You Were Not Driving The Vehicle

  • Going To Trial For Your Personal Injury Case

    12 June 2015

    If you have been injured due to another person's negligence, you may have already retained an attorney to protect your rights. There is always hope that the opposing side will offer you a fair settlement for your injuries, but, at some point, going to court may become inevitable. At this stage in the process of your claim, the stakes are much higher. Your lawyer is no doubt ready and quite able to represent you in court, but you will need to take a major part in the trial as well.

  • 3 Mistakes To Avoid Making When Filing For Bankruptcy

    29 May 2015

    If you are planning on filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 laws, there are some things that you shouldn't do to help your filing go through smoothly. Some of these things could be done accidentally, and may cause a creditor to challenge your bankruptcy. Be sure not to make these 3 mistakes. Transferring Property or Money A common mistake is thinking that transferring assets to someone else's name will help protect those assets during a bankruptcy filing.

  • Auto Accidents Involving Pedestrians: What You Need To Know

    13 May 2015

    Auto accidents involving pedestrians are not as common as accidents that involve two vehicles, but they still occur far too frequently. Pedestrian-related accidents often result in serious injuries to the pedestrian, so legal actions sometimes arise from these unfortunate events. This article takes a closer look at some of the legal issues surrounding mishaps between vehicles and individuals on foot. At Fault Laws generally demand that drivers must be extra careful in order to avoid striking a pedestrian.

  • What You Need To Know If You Ride A Personal Vehicle Instead Of A Car Or Motorcycle

    23 April 2015

    You may include yourself among the many people out there biking on the road, skateboarding on the sidewalk, or using some other modern ride-on. These conveyance devices aren't automobiles or motorcycles, but if you find yourself in an accident while on one of them, you still have many rights. Those rights include pursuing a personal injury case. However, you need to understand a few things before you attempt to sue someone for personal injury.

  • Two Reasons Why You Need A Worker's Compensation Attorney In Your Corner

    13 April 2015

    Dealing with a worker's compensation claim can be extremely hard if you're doing it alone. You're trying to lay claim to your rights, but it can be hard to be approved because of the fact that insurance companies are so leery of paying out to constituents in a sue-happy society. Regardless of how severe your injuries are, you won't be able to get the monetary restitution that you deserve if you are not adequately able to prove your case.

  • 4 Problems Your Lawyer Needs To Know About Before Your Child Custody Hearing

    1 April 2015

    If you are in the process of fighting for custody of your child, then it's important to sit down and tell your lawyer all of the facts that are relevant to your case. Even though there are some things that you might rather keep private, you do need to tell your lawyer all of these things and anything else that might be relevant to your case. Otherwise, you could risk not getting custody of your little one.