2 October 2020
Social security disability law is enforced to provide supplemental income for people who cannot work for at least one year due to disability. SSDI benefits only apply to the people who worked in jobs that are covered by the law. Besides, your health problem must satisfy the strict definition of disability under the law to receive supplemental income. Once you fill out an application, the Social Security Administration will assess it to determine if your condition can be classified as a disability and how much compensation you should get.
31 August 2020
One of the biggest worries people often have when they speak with a child support lawyer is the possibility they'll have to go to court. Whether you're the parent or guardian with primary custody of the child or the one being asked to pay support, the process can seem a little daunting. Here is a look at some of the factors that might affect whether your case will end up before a judge.
30 July 2020
If you have recently been cited for speeding, you might be thinking about hiring a speeding ticket law firm. You might have never had to hire a lawyer to help you out with a speeding ticket, however, so you might not really be sure of what to do. If you are in this situation, you might find these tips to be helpful. Understand the Benefits of Hiring One of These Firms
2 July 2020
A person that has suffered a disability can find themselves facing the prospect of being unable to financially support themselves due to their inability to work. These individuals will often be in a position of desperately needing to apply for disability benefits, but they may be too misinformed to be able to utilize this support option. Myth: Total Disability Is Required To Obtain Benefits It is a reality that disability can occur on a sliding scale, but individuals will often assume that a person must be completely and totally disabled in order to be able to be approved for these benefits.
26 May 2020
In the event of a work injury, workers compensation comes into play. It's designed to give you compensation until you can make a recovery. If you run into the following issues when seeking this compensation, then be sure to hire a workers comp attorney as quickly as possible. Insurance Dragging Their Feet Your employer's insurance company is the party that is supposed to cover your compensation after a work-related injury. If you feel like they're dragging their feet during this process, just hire a workers comp attorney.
24 April 2020
Individuals who become disabled can find it challenging to support themselves financially. A disability has the potential to interfere with your ability to perform work-related tasks easily and comfortably over time. Social Security Disability benefits are designed to help offer financial support to any individual affected by a disability. The Social Security Administration relies on a book which lists the qualifying criteria for each recognized disability. Not all disability benefits applicants will meet the listing criteria, despite being severely disabled.
20 March 2020
A legal separation may seem like the end of your marriage, just like a divorce, but the two are different. Below are some of the major differences between separation and divorce: Spousal Benefits Some of the benefits that spouses enjoy due to their marital relationship stop after a divorce but not after a separation. Classic examples are health and tax benefits. You won't be able to file joint tax returns if you divorce your spouse.